Pausing and Learning.

You miss it.
You miss it when you let it down for a while. You may not know it at first, but after awhile you feel that a part of you is severed, waiting to be sewn back on.

A simple break. Not enough time. Too many things on the plate. Work, relationships, study, etc. etc. Our lists of reasons for not sitting down, for not engaging, for not thinking and acting, can and does grow longer by the day.

I missed it.
I missed it when I let it down for awhile. I didn’t know it at first, but there came a point when I began to feel that a part of me was severed, cut off, waiting to be sewn back on.

It was a simple break. I didn’t have the time. Too many things were on my plate – work, my relationships, my study, my rest…etc. etc. etc.
The thing is, if I allow it (and we all do sooner or later), that list of reasons and excuses will never cease to grow. It will always add to itself and take away from a dream or passion.

I didn’t realize it, but I have to guard this time and this act. Why? Some say, “it’s just writing, it’s not a big deal.”
Maybe not, if you look at it that way.
The way I see it? It brings joy and life, and I’ve found an outlet for my heart and soul that few other things allow.

Maybe it was unconsciously on purpose. Like a little hiatus. Or sabbatical. It depends on how you look at how I spent the time – pausing or learning. Maybe both.

That’s it. I’ve been on a hiatical.

Pausing and learning.

It’s worth it, then, to allow yourself to drop it, to step back and restructure and revisit the why behind what you do. It’s life-giving for me, because I can easily forget, even who I am and what makes my unique self tick. Therefore, a hiatical is of incredible importance for me and those around me.

Take some time. Pause. Learn. Restructure.

Step back, ask yourself why you do what you do, and what makes you come alive.

We are not a product or a victim of our circumstances or situations, though they may be difficult or frustrating or simply bad. All the more reason to do that which brings us life.
We can choose, even in the small, in-between times of our lives, to actually be alive.